The year is 2043 Covid variant allure sigma zero is ravaging 99% of the population, you go outside for your optional 30 minute exercise, it’s 1 p.m. a great time, and they allow you to choose when you want to go outside. You wear a singular mask and put on your suit of armor. You take a quick look at the sky. A man riding his bicycle points at you “how are you going with your stretches and cardio?” He asks, you recognize him as your neighbor (you saw him yesterday at around the same time). “It’s because of people like you obeying that the lockdowns have been decreased by about 4 years.” He mumbles through his mask. He reports you to SigmabetBing for good behavivior and your social credit score increases by 5 points, you will now be about to buy a couple more grams of bread this week.