Lol sike bitch. Did you really think I want your futa ass back? I finally managed to get rid of yo stupid ass why would I ever want you again? You’re fucking whack. The way you talk is whack, the way you stand is whack, the way you talk is whack, the way you walk is whack, the way you laugh is whack, the way you laugh is wack, the way you breathe is whack, the way you’re built is whack. Everything about you is whack. You’re a stupid bitch.
Bighead bobblehead bitch, buck teeth bugs bunny built ass bitch, extended lips Daffy Duck faced ass bitch, you’re an ugly ass hoe. Snout nosed ass bitch. You smell like dog shit and cut grass over-odor ass bitch. You look like you drink cement you fuckass stupid ass bitch.
Get these 20 dicks out of yo depressed attention hoe mouth dick you flabby armed pepperoni nipples having ass bitch. Your titties sag drag on the floor you big bodied ass bitch. Teeth gap having ass hoe.