The anime in order of top to bottom:

{Was literally just about to bust the fattest recorded nut in the history of humanity, until something caught my eye. “sorobox.” is george soros behind the roblox sex trafficing ring? i tried to shake the feeling and continue bludgeoning my meat but having tens of years of personal experience and trauma to show for it in similar roblox sex rings, i found myself for hours on end searching for something, an answer, anything. months have passes, but the feeling still resonates}

{What if I jerked off and didn’t think about nothing or look at porn, but just stared at a can of beans If I jerked off to beans consistently enough could I train myself to be sexually attracted to beans? I think I will perform this experiment}

{Why don’t you do a 720° turn counterclockwise and suck a 13.9 inch dick while inhaling approximately 193 liters of pure oxygen, causing you to pass out due to an excess of oxygen in the lungs. After that, you will proceed to fall down 1,290,920 flights of stairs, at the end of which is a 3 x 6 x 4 foot hole filled with solid steel spikes with a base of 12 centimeters, a length of 60.96 centimeters, and a side of 3860.1216 centimeters. Finally, when your body hits the spikes, a standard U.S. Army M18A1 Claymore mine will detect your flailing ragdollesque body and proceed to explode, projecting 700 1⁄8-inch steel balls at a velocity of 3,937 ft/s into a 60° fan-shaped pattern that is 6.5 feet high and 50 m wide at a range of 50 m. Proceed to engage in coitus with a multiple cacti of varying species, you unsuccessful abortion.}