de 💰 intent 💰 is 💰 to 💰 pwovide 💰 pwayews 💰 wif 💰 a 💰 sense 💰 of 💰 pwide 💰 and 💰 accompwishment 💰 fow 💰 unwocking 💰 diffewent 💰 hewoes. 💰 As 💰 fow 💰 cost, 💰 we 💰 sewected 💰 initiaw 💰 vawues 💰 based 💰 upon 💰 data 💰 fwom 💰 de 💰 Open 💰 Beta 💰 and 💰 ofew 💰 adjustments 💰 made 💰 to 💰 miwestone 💰 wewawds 💰 befowe 💰 waunch. 💰 Among 💰 ofew 💰 dings, 💰 we’we 💰 wooking 💰 at 💰 avewage 💰 pew-pwayew 💰 cwedit 💰 eawn 💰 wates 💰 on 💰 a 💰 daiwy 💰 basis, 💰 and 💰 we’ww 💰 be 💰 making 💰 constant 💰 adjustments 💰 to 💰 ensuwe 💰 dat 💰 pwayews 💰 have 💰 chawwenges 💰 dat 💰 awe 💰 compewwing, 💰 wewawding, 💰 and 💰 of 💰 couwse 💰 attainabwe 💰 via 💰 gamepway. We 💰 appweciate 💰 de 💰 candid 💰 feedback, 💰 and 💰 de 💰 passion 💰 de 💰 community 💰 has 💰 put 💰 fowd 💰 awound 💰 de 💰 cuwwent 💰 topics 💰 hewe 💰 on 💰 weddit, 💰 ouw 💰 fowums 💰 and 💰 acwoss 💰 numewous 💰 sociaw 💰 media 💰 outwets. Ouw 💰 team 💰 wiww 💰 continue 💰 to 💰 make 💰 changes 💰 and 💰 monitow 💰 community 💰 feedback 💰 and 💰 update 💰 evewyone 💰 as 💰 soon 💰 and 💰 as 💰 often 💰 as 💰 we 💰 can. 💰 💰 uwu