By 2023, Japan and the United States merge to create a super-nation to combat famine, depleted resources and the increasing extinction in animals caused by the amplification of pollution. As the leaders in world science, the conjoined nations are able to create genetically engineered meat that is enhanced and grown in an unconscious state, which is then slaughtered for consumption. They decide that the quickest way to distribute the food to a worldwide scale is through China, as China interlinks with other first world countries in Europe and Oceania. China then uses their newly found power to their advantage, often overpricing the conjoined nation for its distribution route through the country. This prompts the conjoined nation to contact Russia, who have displaced democracy in favor of a royal family. The conjoined nation enters into a working agreement with Russia to assassinate the President of China, in exchange for Russian occupation of Alaska, which the conjoined nation reluctantly agrees to. Soon after, the President of China is assassinated and is replaced by the country’s vice president.

Following the successful assassination, a secret treaty is to be agreed upon between the conjoined nation and Russia, to formally hand over Alaska. As soon as the Russian King arrives, however, he dies due to cardiac arrest at 59, which calls off the treaty. The Prince of Russia hears of the news and immediately suspects the conjoined nation, declaring war by firing nuclear missiles to land inhabited by the conjoined nation. As a result of the nuclear attack, the world’s oceans become poisoned, forcing the remaining first world countries to move to and operate within free land in the Midwestern United States, alongside the Great Lakes. Dubbing the new city “Babel”, they worked to purify the Earth’s oceans, hoping to eradicate the issues that had arisen from the nuclear attacks.

A chemical is soon created, which adequately purifies the water to make it fit for human consumption on a wide scale. Following the creation of this chemical, billions of people begin to die, leaving scientists dumbfounded at the situation. Babel soon decreases from billions in population, to millions. It is later revealed that the genetically engineered meat previously created by the conjoined nation, reacted to form an inharmonious solution with the purified water. As the remainder of Babel calculated the rate at which humans are dying, the decision is made for the rest of the city’s population to dissipate from Earth. By 2065, the residents work to create the Babel Space Station, which holds the 5 million remaining inhabitants, and left Earth in search of a similar planet.