i will remember this day forever and ever ,Its 1 year ago that me and my mom and my one sister moved into our new house.

I remember that me and my sister run up the stairways to our rooms.

We meet some new kids to play with, one of them looked depressed the other

looked like a normal girl . Me and my sister just nodded to each other and we become best friends With them.

“BEDTIME” mom called on us we run we looked backwards to wink to the girls, but when we looked back we saw the girls just stared and was white in the face.

We ran faster, the girls Started to laugh with a bright voice.

When we come inside the big house again we started talking about what happened out there

when we come up in our home we saw our mom laying dead on the floor, my sister screamed loud she ran down the stairs, i heard the door open and close.

I stand alone in the doorway to the kitchen then i hear some music playing, i don’t know that song but i didn’t like it, it gives me gooseflesh the song was singing come little children, then i know it was singing to me. I took the change and go into the kitchen i saw the girls they look the same and they said together” come with us” i ran away, suddenly they stand over for me i scream louder. Then it felt like the time has stoned, i saw a shadow it took my hand

and just took me fast away from there i was i saw my sister, i don’t know what i thinked about but i said to the shadow that it should save my sister instead of me the shadow said back to me i save you both. I saw the shadow in the eyes and saw that it was our dead….father

i was so happy to see him, when i look back i saw one of the girls crying on knees

i got weird inside and i jump down from the shadow and ran over to her .She said sorry to me and said that the other girl died and she was the demon of hell. “She was not my sister” she was in disguise i’m a normal girl she possessed me . we moved away.