Okay, this definitely needs to be said. It’s concerning to see all of these replies around Reddit that believe we rotate our penis while erect, or that we self fuck while erect. We absolutely do **NOT** ever try something of this nature while erect.

**Please stop believing this rumor**, it could lead to somebody getting seriously injured and this is absolutely not something that we want to be held accountable for.

**We do NOT rotate our penis while erect**

A man should know what his erection is capable of (bone city, baby!), and he should know that a full erection is hard to maneuver. The thought of even trying something like self fuck while fully erect is scary. This ~~could~~ will lead to an emergency situation and a broken penis.

**We do NOT self fuck while erect**

This goes with the above statement about rotating the penis while erect, but we also do not self fuck while erect. When we are near orgasm during self fuck, we still are not erect. If you watch any of these videos, you’ll notice that when the penis comes out after cumming, that is not fully erect. It’s extremely hard to explain in text, but a video will pretty much show what I mean.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful time viewing [/r/selffuck](https://www.reddit.com/r/selffuck)!