What’s the deal with eyes?
Well, obviously they see.
Simple, right?
Not really.
The eye could be considered the input devices of the computer that is.. Your body.
They’re like scanners, maybe a laser copier.
They scan information and send it to the brain.
The scanning is done by these little visual receptors, tiny little things you can’t see with your own eye.
So, why can’t you see them?
Well, first of all, they prefer isolation.
A cold, dark place.
They’re like the microscopic equivelant of Jeff Goldblum, a complex algorithm which leads to nothing but loneliness.
What they do is sit in the corner and monitor things.
Just like that complex algorithm!
The things they monitor go to the brain.
Now, the brain is like an apple.
It’s soft, a bit crunchy.
Goes pretty well with a sandwich.
If you’re a rotting corpse, that is.
But how do corpses rot?
Well, these tiny little microscopic organisms break down the cells.
And what that does is release ammonia as it breaks down the organic material.
Ammonia is some really nasty stuff.
It could kill people.
It almost killed a man who ate a rotting lobster at some restaurant Gordon Ramsay went to.
Now, let’s thing about that complex computer that Ramsay embodies.
A cold, calculating thing that lives to make things perfect.
But can perfection really exist?
Say, a perfect circle?
Or a perfectly shaped banana?
Yes, you heard me right: bananas
Now, a banana, when it’s annoyed at someone making an hour long joke about vsauce, usually says: “Dude, shut the fuck up!”
If a banana says this, then do not approach.
They’re VERY dangerous.
So dangerous, in fact, that their banana psychic powers can make you go blind.
But how do they have that power?
Well, it starts in the Pancreas.