what the actual fuck is thios indecentsy to humanity, you through me the curveball of the YN with pablo only to name him as tyron. I am mortified and traumatized and my therepists can no longer help me. I am in a slump and this made me so lost. I am at a lost of emotions and can no longer feel anything with this ct of trechory ill not go unrecognized and they day of rekoning shall see ittself upon you. im about to go back to falling into the dephths of alcoholism and beat my kids again. The character dewvelopment in this story was superb, only to be ruined by this mockery of mistaining the orange cheating fuck with a PENGUIN who cared about YN. I dont mean to rip u a new asshole, this is just a wake up call. Excellent writing, poor mistake in false names.