So in the first episode, the Archduke gets assassinated. Ok. But later in the episode, Austria-Hungary gives Serbia, possibly responsible for the assasination, an almost incompletable ultimatum. I think for a underdeveloped character making such a stupid decision is a horrible editing choice.

In the second episode, both sides take their allies. A-H takes Germany, a close ally, but that is pretty much it. Serbia, such a small country, takes in RUSSIA AND FRANCE. This is barely understandable, and it assumes the viewer has seen the show that comes chronologically before this- Medieval Europe. Great Britain is also quite afraid to join in on the conflict, which I find as a forced and ingenuine reaction.

In episode 3, real conflict begins. Germany assumes Russia has to take some time to mobilize, so they attack France. But France is well prepared, so Germany flanks through BELGIUM, A NEUTRAL COUNTRY. Why? The Belgians do a small job holding back the Germans, thats why. A-H is doing a horrible job on the Serbian front, which is outrageous. GB has some forces in the war at this point

In the 4th episode, Germany goes directly for Paris, France. This is stupid on Germany’s part, because they are struggling to defend from 3 sides. In an attempt to push the whole front forward, Germany left a major undefended area, allowing France to punch through and flank them, making them retreat. Both sides keep on trying to punch through each other, subsequently making them go northwards back into Belgium. Stupid on both sides.

The 5th episode focuses on a more concetrated region of warfare and tells about the soldiers. They are in the worst conditions, and is just a back-and-forth battle, both sides doing the same things. Artillery, machine guns, and is an overall good episode introducing the technology and soldiers lives. Favorite episode so far.

So in summary, season 1 is a rushed mess that relies on the viewer’s knowledge of their other series. But it did end on a good note trying to show more on the independent battles of the war.