Tobey Maguire’s spider man can cum web. Come to think of it, all of Peter Parker’s powers are more or less an extension and/or upgrade of the human body, because the super strength is his muscles and tissues super powered up, his spider sense is the human senses and reflexes boosted to perfection, and even the spider grip thing, that seems a little off considering basic human functions, is an evolution of the hands and feet of a human being (that are made to grip things) and this parts of the body also have mechanisms to “glue” things better, even though it’s very far from abilities in the movie.

Following this logic, the only power spidey has that doesn’t look exactly as a boost to a normal human is the shooting web, but that is a mere illusion. First of all, the only times we see Peter shooting web is through his hands/wrist, witch is very weird considering that there are no holes in that part. Assuming that he doesn’t just throw webs through his fucking skin and has micro holes to shoot them, we need to recall once again that his powers are an upgrade of the human’s powers, so the web isn’t made for shooting through those holes considering that it isn’t present in a normal human being, so it is something that already exists in his body, made for other purposes, but he can use it as a web.

Considering all of the information above, we can assume that Spider Man’s web is a natural human being’s excretion, but boosted or upgraded, and it’s not made for shooting from his wrists, but from elsewhere. Peter Parker’s web is a white, sticky and slimy goo, coming out of an adult male person. It isn’t really hard realize what part of an adult male is analogue to the web, but I must conclude anyway, it’s cum.

Spider Man’s web is the evolution of Peter Parker’s cum, and he also shoot’s that from his penis. Thank you for reading.

TL;DR: Spider man is cumming all around New York, and the movie named “Homecoming” isn’t an accident.