Sex is gross. If you’re repulsed by that, you may not be as into it as you think you are; you’re inexperienced; or you’re not very good. Potentially all three. Grow up. It’s all disgusting digits and holes going into/ onto other disgusting holes and digits. There’s body fluids involved for fuck’s sake.

For STIs, you’ve heard of condoms, right? I strongly suggest you look up what’s abnormal for the genitals you’re into and try to remember it all. Learn some anatomy, understand the actual risk for what you’re doing, and make informed decisions when you want to have fun with someone. Keep the lights on, go down there, scope it out, if you see something that doesn’t look right, it’s ok to ask about it. If it’s normal, they’ll probably be embarrassed but used to it. If it tastes off, you can leave. If it has a bad texture, you can leave. If who you’re with or what y’all are doing just isn’t what you want at the time, you can leave. Don’t be a little bitch and don’t let your sex organs think for you. All sex has risks, even sex with yourself. Quit your bullshit slut-shaming, get tested regularly, and communicate with your previous and current partners about your relevant sexual history.