He fucking sucks, he is a registered sex offender, always cumming in his fish, that fish now has PTSD and is now fucking around like that baldass cunt, fucking that maid for so long it got banned, ban evading the UK, i fucking hate him. Don’t get me started on his in-game model, its a fucking playstation 1 model, fucking half-life 1 (released in 1998) looks better than the bald cunt (released in 2017!) I fucking hate him he is a disgrace to everyone. Even fucking EA, the greedy bastard, is honest about its ads, if it’s not the gameplay it says it at the bottom. Holy shit the bald cunt is so dumb my iq got below average. Dumb piece of shit i hope he fucking gets into a car crash because he throws a tnt into the gas tank and slowly dies from 4 degree burns and he gets acid instead of water because oNlY 5% oF PeOpLe cAn SoLvE tHiS! Fucking bitch gets bleach + ammonia wombo combo and swallows a good chunk of uranium gets fucking tased then gets send to Venus and fucking slowly dies. Fucking fuck fucker fuck.

Edit: Sorry for offending playstation 1 models