Tonight I finally received my first suspension on xbox live. What did I do wrong? Nothing really, just your classic “I fucked your mom joke”. To be more specific “That shit looser than a goose” (referring to her pussy). Now did I learn anything from this? The answer is no. Even if I was perma-banned I would’ve just moved to ps4 or a PC. Although I’m sure the xbox moderator got a kick out of the roasts I was laying done on this kid (ain’t gonna lie, these were some rare insults) but I guess I still got banned for (insert cause here). Remember guys. It’s 2019, someone will get offended and will report you, and you will receive a free suspension.

Tldr: After 6 years, I got suspended. I personally believe I did nothing wrong. Tomorrow I’ll be uninstalling Fortnite and buying minecraft with every skin pack available and you bet your ass I’m reinstalling the witcher 3