\[A young man walks into the room, most likely his bedroom.\]

“Huh, w-what’s that agai-”

\[An alarm sound effect plays, the one often heard in 21st century humor videos.\]

“Is that the funny guy alert?”

\[A stock laughter sound effect plays.\]

“It is the funny guy!”

\[A green screen of a sniper rifle firing, gaining 420 points appears in the lower middle of the screen.\]

“Dude, that’s right there- The funny guy!”

\[The infamous Nokia Arabic Ringtone can be heard, alongside other loud sound effects.\]

“Guys, it’s the- It’s the funny guy!”

\[He begins saying something to himself, but it’s drowned out by extremely loud laughter and bruhs.\]

“Here, take this! This is for you being so funny! Take the funny- Take it! I don’t care, you’re so-”

\[The video ends.\]