*Taken from [This meme worthy post on r/socialism](https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/comments/9sf61c/its_time_to_ban_rthe_donald_calling_out_spez_and/?utm_content=title&utm_medium=hot&utm_source=reddit&utm_name=socialism) and modified. I fixed most of the poor grammar from the original so it’s actually readable*

It’s time to ban r/funny: Calling out spez and reddit admins.

Currently. 21 million Redditors are subscribed to the subreddit. Lurking in that sub is a vile disgusting expression of bad humour which is simmering with bad posts against the reddit community, normal people and the citizens of r/dankmemes.

From the day of it’s inception (created by r/memes as a prank to troll reddit) it has been a breeding ground of bad posts for normies by normies.

The Ultimate goal of r/funny was to support the user “Gallowboob” as a power mod, To frighten scare and intimidate the reddit community. Though the sideline rules of the sub reject bad posts the proof is in the pudding, any length of time lurking in that sub and you will discover it’s definetly not funny and that bad posts make up it’s underbelly. Sadly. these comments and posts are not removed and the sub itself is riddled with calls for more bad posts against both Redditors and sane people – Further to this it makes use of old meme posts which are disguised as something else. Their use of the old memes further adds to the idea that reddit has a poor sense of humour and redditors are not human while encouraging violence against them.

Their defense of alleged alcoholic u/Gallowboob is yet another notch in their belt of venom against the vulnerable to attack victims of bad memes. And they promote Gallowboob as some kind of moral paragon and a man of the people, which shines a light on the kind of thinking that is rife in that sub.

As decent humans who stand up for whats right we on r/dankmemes and other subs which defend those who are wrongfully attacked by bad memes must call on u/spez to remove this subreddit and ban it entirely. We must put an end to a subreddit which propagates normie memes, violence against good posts and hate against Redditors. They constantly launch attacks against poor meme farmers and blue collar users from middle Reddit who are simply looking for a better life.

If u/spez will not take a stand against normie memes we need a new site admin who will. This most recent unfunny post has pushed things too far – it is well known that the poster was a karma whore and was a regular on 9gag.

Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
