Anyways so I had this other dream where I was on some sort of beach, like a tropical one, and there was this gap between, like two small islands with a shallow water between em (you could prolly walk from one to the other) – anyways, so in this really shallow water all of a sudden there was this GIANT pirate ship, guns ablazing n whatnot for some reason, but they were shooting like mario-style bullet bills so they were really easy to dodge. Then all of a sudden this MASSIVE netting was dropped from the SKY between the two islands, so you could sorta climb on this massive 2 dimensional net. to get from one to the other. well, then there was a slow straight red liquid that was coating all of the island, actually entirely removing the original color of the trees, the sand, the co-co-nuts, from green to just a straight weird red. So that started on MY island, from like the very tippy back, but I didn’t realize it was moving until it got way closer, and some of the pirates on the ship were dropping down onto my island but then running for their lives past me to that big net to get to the other island to stay safe, while this big red color coating everything was just getting closer n closer.