One day, I went down to the kitchen to eat with my little brother. (Mind you, he has extreme autism and acts like a retard. He also has chronic diarrhea.) I eat fruit loops almost every day, and god damn I fucking love that parrot guy on the box, he would be good for some furry porn. So anyway, I come down to the kitchen and realize the fruit loops are gone. I’m like “what the hell bro i fucking love fruit loops who took my damn loops brah!?!?!?” Then my little brother comes out of the bathroom like the little gremlin he is. He hands me the fruit loops box but my lust for fruit loops makes me ignore the smell of shit and the sloshing of the diarrhea. I position the box over my mouth and open it (I always eat my fruit loops like that.) and just chugged everything in it. Then, I came to the realization that I just drank a box full of diarrhea. Then I had a seizure on the floor, my little brother dancing over me, saying “durr hurrr you just ate poop loops haha” I’ll never eat fruit loops again.