LETS GO CHAMP! To the omegle admin captcha banning my vpns over me saying the dark word and associating it with people I hope you get shot in the fucking head and murdered. I would seriously, literally, fucking  smash your fucking brains to pieces. Absolute fucking gush, just straight up fucking mush. I’d strangle you to death. You have no fucking clue the amount of damage it is to sabotage my FUCKING BOT. When I AM THINKING, DOING SOMETHING, HARD FUCKING WORK, THINKING THIS BOT IS ON, CHATTING WITH PEOPLE, WHEN IN REALITY, ITS FUCKING OFF, BANNED, CAPTCHA BLOCKED OR MY FUCKING VPN KEEPS DISCONNECTING EVERY FUCKING HOUR OR SECOND I REST. I SWEAR. I WOULD DO ANYTHING. ANYTHING IT TAKES TO HERE THEM IN FUCKING PAIN. I WANT TO WATCH THEM SUFFER. AND WASTE AWAY INTO NOTHING. K*LL NIGGERS. K*LL FUCKING NIGGERS DARK MONKEY COON NIGGER COMEON BAN ME FUCKING DO IT BITCH YOU FUCKING NECKBEARD FAGGOT.  Wish I could drive up to Leif aka Omegle CEO’s house and fucking k*ll his kids and family or whoever the fuck this subhuman is. YEAH YEAH YEAH. FUCK IT UP. FUCK UP THE ONLY THING KEEPING MY LIFE ALIVE. FUCK UP THE ONLY FUCKING THING THAT I AM USING TO SAVE MY FUCKING LIFE, SO I CAN BREATHE A SECOND FUCKING LONGER. ERROR CONNECTING TO SERVER. ERROR. CONNECTING. TO. FUCKING. SERVER. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER. ME GETTING A GOOD CONNECTION IS LIKE WINNING THE FUCKING LOTTERY. THE MENTALLY FUCKING PAIN THIS INDUCES. I SWEAR. MY MIND ISNT GOING TO EXIST. WHEN I AM RIPPING THEM APART EVERY FUCKING FIBER OF THEIR BEING IS GOING TO BE CRUSHED, SHREDDED, HARMED AND FUCKING TORN UP.  I can’t take this shit anymore man. It’s like getting fucking m*l*sted over and over and over r*pe*d over and over and over and over. This shit is making me close to grabbing a knife stabbing my fucking eyes out, and lighting myself on fire. To fuck with someone to this degree, I wish your last name family an endless torture torment enducing fucking pain. I seriously wish you suffer for eternity. NO ONE IS EVER GOING TO UNDERSTAND. THIS ANTI FUCKING RACIST SOCIETY. CENSORING PEOPLE, LIMITING EVERY SORT OF FREEDOM. LIMITING THEIR FUCKING ABILITIES TO HAVE ANYTHING, AND JUST FUCKING BEING DISGUSTING PIECES OF SHIT, LIMITING EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING EVEN FUCKING SPEECH. FUCKING SPEECH. OH MY FUCKING GOD. WHAT I WOULD DO. OH MY GOD. I WOULD K*LL THIS ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD MAN. I WOULD K*LL EVERYTHING, EVERYTHING IN IT, AND I WILL BE THE LAST FUCKING ONE LEFT AND THEN ID EITHER STAY OR FUCKING K*LL MYSELF. I WANT TO PUT AN END TO EVERYTHING. FOR THESE SICK FUCKS, USING GOOGLE APIS AND SHIT AND ULTRA FUCKING BLACKLIVESMATTER LETS BAN ALL WORDS, SUSPEND ALL ACCOUNTS AND REJECT, SPERARATE MEN AND WOMEN, SEX, FREEDOM, ALL OF IT ALL OF IT ALL OF IT AMERICAN FUCKING COMMUNISM AMERICAN INBRED FUCKING COMMUNISM. SICK FUCKING CULT LIKE BEHAVIOR. I AM SO CLOSE TO GRABBING A FUCKING GUN AND DOING SOMETHING SOMETHING. NAZIS. NAZIS. FUCKING NAZIS. CENSORING, FUCKING MOUTH TAPING. FUCKINGG FUCKKIINGG FGUCKINGNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG SILENCING ALL FORMS OF ANY SPEECH. WHAT A SICK. FUCKED UP WORLD. I WISH I COULD HURT THESE PEOPLE. I WISH I COULD JUST FUCKING RIP THEM APART, LITERALLY, TO SEE WHAT THEIR PATHETIC FUCKING INSIDES ARE AND TURN THEM COMPLETELY FUCKING INSIDE OUT. imagine. FUCKING IMAGINE IT. THEM MAKING YOU LOSE YOUR FRIENDS, MAKING IT SO YOU CAN NEVER HAVE A FUCKING GIRLFRIEND. MAKING IT SO YOU ARE ALL FUCKING ALONE. THEY WANT TO ISOLATE YOU. ALIENATE YOU. OSTRACIZE YOU. AND BEAT YOU, AND KICK YOU WHEN YOU’RE FUCKING AND THEN MANIPULATE THE LIVING FUCKING SHIT OUT OF YOU. VENGEANCE. I WILL GET VENGEANCE. YOU ARE GOING TO SUFFER FOR YOUR FUCKING SINS, ULTIMATELY, AUTOMATICALLY, GODLY YOU ARE GOING TO GET A SHITTY PAINFUL PUNISHMENT. I CURSE YOU. YOU ARE CURSED. I am honestly on my last breathe. My anger has reached a level it has never had before. I mean the loneliness, the isolation, the rejection, my dead social life, all of it. I understand what it’s like to be homeless okay. I understand how severely, disgustingly fucked up it is. I am probably on my last breathe to being, in prison, shot dead, or on the fucking streets dead. I hate even saying these things, but I hope you people understand when you hate on me, make fun of me, and presume things about me. I am by no means a negative person but you have no clue the shit I endure and the mental fucking pain I go through, I probably have a rotted brain for all I know. So next time you skip, think about how much damage you’re doing to a person. And be fucking grateful your friends let you live with you and you get to act as c*cky as you people do, because my life, my social situation, my skin color and my fucking geographic location all fucking despise my freedom. M 18 looking for g*rlfriend. Kik: