If you liked it you can upvote it and continue scrolling. Oh what am I saying, you’re trying to karma farm πŸ˜‰

Edit: You’ve already gotten 5 downvotes, expect more to come your way ✌🏻

Edit 2: Please have some regard for my karma and upvote me instead of downvoting. Thanks πŸ™‚

Edit 3: Upvotes are the red button, not the blue one

Edit 4: Remember guys every downvote you give me is one karma lost for me πŸ™ Show some regard to my karma (Refer to edit 2)

Edit 5: Please stop downvoting me, I’ve already lost a 100 karma 😒😒😭

Edit 6: You guys do know that downvoting makes me lose karma right? Your actions have consequences, think before you hit that downwards pointing arrow.

Edit 7: I apologize from the bottom of my big heart (Metaphorically and literally, I have left ventricular hypertrophy from taking anabolic steroids) if I have offended. To accept my apology you can upvote this comment so I can gain back some of the karma the inconsiderate jerks on Reddit took away from me. God bless ✝️✝️