Redditors are what happen when the goofy school shooter types don’t get bullied enough. Like the baseless cocky ‘nerds’ found some source of power and have to abuse it. I don’t mean nerds as in intelligent, I mean the socially retarded useless fucking Reddit induced Autistic fucking bugmen. Literally subhuman. I don’t mean to be rude towards autistic people either, yall have legitimate reasons for acting the way you do and are usually just good people trying to live.
Redditors have built this like online persona and built their entire worldview and personality from Reddit. It’s mindblowing. It truly honestly is, i’m not just angry ranting. I’m shocked how fucking dumb and socially retarded the people here can be.
I don’t mean this figuratively, I would not shed a single tear if every single redditor was set on fire in front of their families. Their families would probably be happy about it anyways, BASED REDDITOR bugmen are literally the most unlikable goofy fucking idiots in existence. Complete and utter trash in every way.
HURR DDURRRRRRRRR BRAAAAAAPPPPPPP DROOLS ALL OVER SELF AND FOAMS AT MOUTH SEEING THIS POST. Like it’s honestly shocking how fucking awful each and every one of you are. Maybe 2-3% of the people on here aren’t like this but the vast majority are.
JERKKSKSKSKSKSSKSKSK. HUEEHUEHUEHUEHUEEEEEEEE I totally OWNED that dewd ONLINE!!!! He got that downvote!!!!! HA LOLOLOLOL i’m a goofy fucking virgin bugman!! HA WRONG pal, CITATION NEEDED! Checkmate HA! HA circle ierk anti circle jerk anti anti circle jerk!!!! huehuehue wheezes and coughs up stomach acid due to shitty diet. LOL wrong buck, correlation not causation!!!!