I won’t be able get on discord🎧 🎙anymore guys😔 My hussy ass mom🤱 is taking my PC 🖥 away because I refuse to stop fart💨 training🏋️‍♂️ My mom said the neighbor👴 is complaining that everyday at 4:00🕓(after Pokémon is over) he can hear🦻 my farts next door and they are driving his dogs🐕 wild🤪 I DON’T GIVE A FRIG ABOUT HIS RETARD DOGS😡 AND I WILL NEVER STOP FART💨 TRAINING🏋️‍♂️ He told my mom he wants money💰 to fix his drywall because his dogs🐕 have almost clawed all the way through😏 LIKE I EVEN CARE😠 I’m only a First Class Poot Private, but my dream is to one day become a career full bird Master Sergeant Fart Trooper🎖 for the U.S military🇺🇸 And I won’t get there without sweat😓 tears😢 and rigorous fart💨 training🏋️‍♂️ sessions! The haters can kick rocks🚶‍♂️ because while everyone is getting mad at me😠 for pootin💨 and tootin🚂 I’ve been putting in hard work bulking up💪 my fart muscles🍑 Little do they know my training regimen is strengthening my shitpussy by orders of magnitude every day📆 By the end of the month my shithole🕳 will possess the power✊ to demo💥 my retard neighbors house with just a single twitch🤏 of the stink wrink😈 That old decrepit bitch better count🧮 his days because I’m gonna put him and his retard dogs🐶 under 5ft🖐 of rubble here soon⏳. When he is laying under a mass of concrete and rebar😫 fighting to remain conscious😟 me and my asshole will be there silently🤫 watching👀 Just before his organs enter failure😈 and he succumbs to his injuries💀 I’m going to press my shithole against his quivering😖 lips👄 and use my fart muscles to gently suck out his last gasp of air🌬 His soul 👻will bear witness👨‍⚖️ to the Reaper’s kiss💋 as it slips past his lips and into the bowels of my ass🍑 The old man’s mortal fate is sealed✉ unless he shows true repentance🙏 and tells my mom to give me back my dang computer🖥🖱😡 There are some nights😴 that I swear I can hear👂 the old man’s heart beating🥁 and my fart hole starts to pulse🩺 in sequential rhythm🕺 Just last week, I was getting on the school bus🚸 and I saw him outside getting the newspaper📰 Even from a distance🧐 I could see the flickering of the old man’s soul in the edges of his eyes👁👁 I think there was even a small smirk😏 of recognition that spread across his face👴 as deep👇 deep👇 down he must know just as well as I do🤔 that his Angel of Death⚰ is actually my ass🍑 Once my shitter has quenched its thirst🥤 for elder👴 spirit👻 and reaped the old man of his soul😤 I should be able to get my computer 🖥 back and get on discord again🎧🎙😁BTW🤔 Please🙏 contact☎️ my Commanding Fart Officer👮‍♂️ located📍 at the U.S Fart Base in Washington DC🇺🇸 and tell him “the fart crusade has begun😳” if you guys don’t hear🙉 back from me in one☝️ week🗓. In that case, the old man👴 is actually an interdimensional🌌 fart💨 demon👿 cloaking itself in human flesh🥸 Fart Trooper🎖 reinforcements 🥾🥾will be needed immediately⏱ as the two of us will be locked🔒 in an cataclysmic🤯 fart💨 battle🤼‍♂️ and the fate of our fartiverse🌏 will rest on your farters😔 Thank you😐 Pvt. Poot farting out🖖