You have sucked 29,807 different dicks in your lifetime. You are 25 years and 189 days old, for a total of 8,949 days. You sucked your first dick when you were 14 years and 67 days old, which was 4,149 days ago. This means that on average, you sucked 7.2 dicks every day, and that’s not even accounting for sucking one person’s dick multiple times. You have had eleven boyfriends, and you started a relationship with the first one by sucking his dick. In total, you sucked his dick 1,181 times. As for the other ten, the amount of times you sucked their respective dicks is as follows in order of when you were with them. 1,584, 902, 1,264, 1,461, 4,522, 506, 1, 2,305, 1,104, and 302 in your current relationship. Again, you have sucked 29,807 **different** dicks in your lifetime, and adding the amount of blowjobs you have given to your eleven boyfriends, that adds up to sucking dick 44,939 times. This means you consistently suck dick at least 10 times a day, or about every two hours. You may be asking “but what about sleeping?” You suck dick in your sleep as well without even knowing it. Remember that party you went to four years ago and you woke up with a dick in your mouth, and since then you were telling people the guy forced himself into you? It’s actually the other way around. You see, you were trying in vain to stop sucking dick, and after seven hours, during your sleep cycle, you summoned otherworldly powers such as telekinesis and mind control to put that guy’s dick in your mouth.