Many people don’t look at what Hitler did before the Holocaust and World War II, they usually overlook all the good he did before he was corrupted with rage. He was a very inspirational person to many Germans and people of different nationalisms. Hitler overthrew an entire government and then improved Germany to the point when could potentially take over Europe. From when he was an Austrian farm-boy to when he became Fuhrer, he made history of his own without killing any Jewish people or anyone else.

Before Adolf was old enough to work, he had a rough childhood. He lived with his parents, step brother and sister, and his two younger siblings. After a while, his step brother ran spotlight as he was now the new target for his father and, being the eldest male child, he was watched more closely at school and in public. This was sort of stressful to the young Hitler at the age of 7.

When Hitler went to school, he attended school at the local monastery. This monastery is most likely the place he got the swastika from as they were all over the walls and support beams as a play on words. The founder of the monastery had them there because his last name sounded like the German word for swastika, Hakenkreuz, ( Hitler himself was strong in some subjects but lacked skills in many others. When it came to recess, Adolf would gather his friends to play cowboys and indians. Back then it was very common for German and Austrian boys to play cowboys and indians as they read books about the American midwest.

As Hitler aged, he grew out of childrens games even though he still read the books when he was Fuhrer. Now that little Hitler was all grown up, he had to find a job that suited his skill set. After a short period of time, he became a civil servant like his father. This didn’t last very long as not to much later, he was inducted into the German Worker’s Party for his substantial speaking skills and wide influence. The party was on its downfall when Adolf joined, but as he became more popular among the people, the party grew rapidly and gained the attention of the Nazi organization. Soon the German Worker’s Party became national and was now a political party in Germany. When the party hit that point, they elected Hitler to be the economic leader. Hitler, still on the prowl for power, used economic upheaval to rally the thousands of people who were affected. Once Hitler had all these people rallied, he sided with the Nazi’s in an attempt to overthrow the German government. Hitler, with the help of General Erich Ludendorff, marched on the Beer Hall Putsch with 2,000 armed Nazi’s. Their power grab failed and they were later tried for treason and sentenced for five years jail time.

Adolf was release after nine months for good behavior, and upon exit, he reestablished the NSDAP in Munich, Germany. This was a political party that followed the Fuhrer principle. The Fuhrer was the leader, he would have his deputy, and the national Reichsleiter heading nation wide government departments. When the National Elections came around the Nazi’s devised a plan to help Hitler gain some votes. They planned to get the massive amount of small town voters to vote for Hitler for chances of a better life and standard of living. If the plan would have worked, they would have gained 18% more votes than before. Adolf Hitler ran against Paul Von Hindenburg and lost by only 2%, (44%-42%). Hitler still had a very powerful political position as Paul chose Hitler as his chancellor. When Von Hindenburg passed away, Hitler was easily the chosen successor. He had finally went from farm-boy to a Poltical Powerhouse.

Now that you have heard this part of the story, I’m fairly sure you have an understanding of why Adolf Hitler is my hero. I look up to is great accomplishments and not all of the people who died during his rage in World War II.