Welcome. I’ve been trying for couple years to get out of this mindset hasn’t worked.

Here are my fave AN points.

If you don’t want anyone to suffer why bring them to a place where they can?

Millions of people who die every year from disease and injury it’s a gamble to assume it won’t be your kid or even -you- someday. Plus mental health issues like if struggling with school an life after. People say that’s life well it doesn’t have to be this way it means they’ve accepted they’re okay with their kid being in pain.

Few parents ask themselves why do I want kids an then seek to find that elsewhere. There is no child begging to be born.

Also how many people are actually educated to parent? When you know less about something you are often confident about the whole field but how many parents besides telling their kids to study actually study their own children?

Long before humans lived in tribes/villages so if mommy daddy was sick there be 5-10-20 other people to provide support, friendship, advice, company an you were around them majority of the time unlike in school/work an since you relied on each other for survival there was more effort put into making healthier/intimate relationships. Now it’s usually 2 parents and BOTH who have to work. An even single parents…

It’s damn time humans self reflect self inquire become extremely self aware an evolve… sadly it’s dormant but beyond ripe to become mainstream.