[previous post](https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/rxe6r9/aita_will_i_become_a_pedophile_if_i_jerk_off_to/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)

I(M17) have learned that i am now a pedophile because I masturbated to an anime girl(F16) on pixiv.net. Now I am currently sitting thinking about the consequence of my action. The crime I have commited is unforgivable but atleast I learned that I’m a 2D pedophile who don’t a use lolicon as a shield unlike an average BlueArchive player who think that jerking off to a minor is okay because they aren’t real.

I also researched that pedophile is a word for people with an attraction toward kid under 14 and hebephile for 14-19 but those word sounds like a shield for a pedo and the minor is still under 18 and a 2D character can’t consent.

Thanks for coming to my ted talk and TIFU post will arrive soon on reddit.cum

TLDR : cum