the fitnessgwam™ pacer test is a muwtistage aewobic c-capacity test that pwogwessivewy gets more difficuwt as it c-continues-.- the 20 meter pacer test w-will begin i-in 30 seconds. wine u-up at t-the stawt ( ˘⌣˘)♡(˘⌣˘ ) the wunning speed s-stawts swowwy, but gets faster e-each minute after you heaw this s-signaw. \[beep\] a single wap shouwd be compweted each time you heaw this sound (o\^▽\^o) \[ding\] wemember to wun in a stwaight w-wine, and wun a-as wong as possible. the second time you faiw t-to compwete a wap before the sound, youw t-test is over. the test will begin on the wowd stawt. on youw m-mawk, get w-weady mmm.. stawt \*:・゚✧\*:・゚✧