DaH DeEE I said only wanted jelly on this sandwich. This is PEANUT budder and jelly. I HATE peanut budder.
Katie, there’s so much protein in peandutbuddr. You have to eat peanut butter to grow healthy- I’m your dad I know what’s best for you, and I don’t understand why you wouldn’t want breath peanut budder on your sandwich. It is the best flavor combination that you could have on a sandwich.
Dad… not understanding something isn’t a good reason to- prevent someone from doing something. breath YOu- sigh it’s just, you trying to have power over something because you feel, you have an adequate amount- of power, In your everyday-day life.
In ade-
Kay- Katie!
I know you miss your mom, I know it’s been hard without her, but we really need to start working together as a team if we wanna tackle these larger issues-
I’m back! From my day trip, from Wisconsin.
Did you get- Cheese Hots?
You bet your sweet ass I got Cheese Hots.
Dope. Dope mom.