# A crackhead high on meth or a methhead high on crack?


\-The fight takes place in a steel cage that is 30 feet on each side and 20 feet high.

\-There are no objects in the ring other than a 20 foot ladder and a bag filled with crack and meth that is suspended from the top of the cage.

\-The goal of the match is to get to the bag filled with drugs. The winner gets his drug of choice and the remainder of the drugs are taken away.

\-This is a bare-knuckles fight.

\-15 minutes before the fight begins the crackhead will consume an intoxicating quantity of meth and the methhead will consume an intoxicating quantity of crack.

\-The fighters may use any means necessary to subdue/KO/kill their opponent.

\-The fighters may not work together to secure the bag and share the contents.

\-If neither fighter has secured the bag after 10 minutes of combat, a man who is high on PCP, will be released into the ring and told to subdue/KO/kill the other two fighters. If the PCP man is able to do so, he will receive a bag of PCP.

\-In the unlikely event that PCP man is taken out by the other two fighters, the match will continue until complete.

\-After the match all living combatants are released back to their natural environment with their prizes (if applicable). In the event that they need medical treatment, they will receive it at the nearest hospital and then released.

\-Law enforcement is not allowed to seize the drugs after the match.