i fucking hate this commercial. this is easily the worst commercial on tv right now. i cant fucking believe a team of directors and executives looked at this and said “ok yup this looks good” look at the guys fucking hand, its fucking disgusting, the lack of detail on it. no fingernail, or knuckles, or wrinkles, or hair. just a fucking blob of flesh because fuck you. it makes me want to fucking trow up. and the lady stabbing her chopsticks towards her salad. who the fuck eats salad with chopsticks in the first place, and why are you fucking shoving your disgusting shit salad in my face you annoying sausage fingered little fuck. get that shit out of my fucking face. and the fucking weird smooth lady drinking a milkshake who looks like fucking sid from fucking toy fucking story. fucking annoying. nobody fucking likes food that much you stupid fucking psychotic consoomers. who the fuck even are these people in the first place. how do they know each other. why is there a baby living in this guys house. this absolutely screams made in india. weve moved past the “were all in this together” phase of covid ads so now were in the “we cant hire in person actors for commercials so were going to overwork some poor team of animators in the global south and make you look at annoying fucking gross looking 3D characters that nobody gives a shit about”. and the kid dancing at the end pisses me off the most. i want to fucking dwayne johnson smackdown him onto an airport runway. and the earpiercing flute music. i swear this commercial plays 3x louder than everything else. ill be asleep on my couch and then all of a sudden “DWEE DOO DOO DOOTILE DWEE DOO POOO POO POOOOPY” SHUT THE FUCK UP OH MY FUCKING GOD it fucking hits a frequency that turns off the rational part of my brain and makes me half want to destroy everythinrg in my room like the guy from the pink floyd wall album and the other half judt wants to fucking bawl my eyes out because i just wsnt the fucking torture to stop. eat shit grub fucking hub. you really thought youd attract customers with this commercial, with your disgusting butt fucking ugly annoying 3D characters because you can’t hire in person actors, but youve lost my business forever. never using your shitty fucking service. and of course the comments are turned off on the video because theyre a bunch of insecure little fucking babies. ive never liked or disliked a video on youtube until now, so thank you for being my first fucking dislike. i disliked every instance of this commercials too. i went to the grubhub youtube channel and personally disliked every uploaded version of this fucking cancerous horeshit malignant brain tumor. after 10 years of using youtube with no likes or dislikes. whoever made this commercial seriously needs to be fucking put to sleep. lethal injection, firing squad, electric chair, all them at once, i dont care, they just need to fucking put out of their misery. they obviously are in a lot of pain and want the rest of us to suffer too. this commercial is worse than 911 9/11s put together. even as im typing this the commercial came on. FUCK YOU YOU PIECE OF SHIT. “DWEE DOOP DOOP DWEETLEDOOP” how about you go dwee doop doop your fucking self off the burj fucking khalifa you fucking annoying sack of shit. “bUt coMe oN itS jUsT a CoMmerciAl” YEAH I KNOW ITS A FUCKING COMMERCIAL. IVE LOCKED AT HOME IN QUARANTINE AND UNLIKE YOU I HAVE TO FUCKING LIVE WITH THIS HORESHIT INFECTING THE WALLS OF MY HOUSE ALL DAY AND IM SLOWLY GOING FUCKING INSANE AAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAH FUCK YOU GRUB HUB AND YOUR SHITTY ADS. grub hub fucking sucks. seriously eat fucking dog shit and die. you pathetic crybabies.