You know.. I’m forensic historian and human behavioral psychologist, with credentials. But may I say, when someone reacts in a manner like yours when it’s just cut straight to insults and attacking; much like The art of war you have already lost the battle and have shown insecurity. Don’t make your defensive look so weak. It hurts your credibility and it makes you look like you can be easily manipulated pine environment around you. Especially when there’s nothing to gain. So yes, perhaps his comment was uncalled for; but a secure person laughs and can take a joke for what it is, but you just showing that yourself in the wrong and making yourself look like an insecure jerk. Unfortunately you’re not outlier in this. In fact in America there’s been so much subversion into environments especially around social media that have kind of made it so people without having more of a relevant and honest engagement and relationship process was other humans, especially the younger generation, you’re lacking the social skills to really prosper you. I hope you work on that and tackle your insecurities. I’m being genuine and if I’m totally honest, I wouldn’t even respond to my comment right now I would just walk away before like a hive mind it tackles on you for me pointing this out and giving other people something to cling to. I’m being quiet and articulate with you and as nice as I can be about it. So genuinely; work on your social interactions and do not show such weakness and character and learn to laugh about something, because check mark can’t save you from the realities of environmental relations with the bizarre pseudo subsect of interaction that we call social media. It’s kind of like being in a new relationship and after the first 6 months when people show their own temperament, but without face-to-face interaction, you’re showing them already and I am telling you is somebody who works in behavioral and humanistic studies as well as behavioral modification, don’t be so weak because everything in life will be okay as long as you allow it to be. Sticks and Stones, buddy boy. Life will be alright, as long you are on a cry baby.
