If I was still in high school, I’d hire the hottest hooker I could and make a 50/50 deal with her.

I’d set her up with an OnlyFans and do all the social media work and be her camera man. She’d pose as my mom and come to every function just dressed as the most aggressive whore possible.. slowly luring in all the simps in school.

I’d say stuff like “come on guys please don’t subscribe to my mom’s OnlyFans.. please” .. which would cause them to purchase the $49.99/month plan cause they’d want to see my reaction.

We’d play this card for a couple of years, and when the last week of school rolls around, we’d set up the camera and I’d record myself fucking her in the ass, and right before it finishes… I’d slowly peek into the camera, with the biggest shit eating grin possible.
