I am tired of the stares the cashier and the nearby customers when I pop open that ketchup bottle and start chugging. I fucking payed for my ketchup and I can do whatever I want with it. Us ketchup-drinkers are oppressed by the constraints of society that deem ketchup drinking disgusting. Society actively hates ketchup drinkers. Think about it. The signs of oppression are all around you. Ketchup isn’t sold as a beverage in stores. You can’t buy bottles of ketchup from the vending machine. There are no ketchup fountains. The media likes to talk about how they’re all so inclusive and so modern. they like to talk about how they protect and respect minorities and LGBT people. If you’re so inclusive, then why don’t you include ketchup drinkers in your attempts to spread social awareness? Why are there never campaigns to support ketchup drinkers? Why are there no laws protecting ketchup drinkers? Why is there no r/ketchupniggas? WAKE UP, MY KETCHUP DRINKERS. NO MORE SHALL WE BE OPPRESSED. TODAY MARKS THE DAY OF THE KETCHUP REVOLUTION