You call our business a scam because SOME people enroll and end up making no money! 💲They quit after not putting in the work. But you’ll still call it a scam right and act like no one makes money with us, right? 😑

HOWEVER, You see people sign up for a gym membership everyday and quit after two months. People quit the gym all the time because they are lazy, not motivated, and don’t have long-term goals. But why don’t you call the gym a scam?!?

Because you know the equipment inside WORKS but has to have an actual person 🏋🏼‍♂️ utilizing it for SUCCESS to happen. 💪🏼

Listen, people have the tools 🔧 to make it work. So they should work it. Don’t pre judge something because your aunt’s friend’s sister tried it…and it didn’t work 🤷🏽‍♀️ Maybe your aunt’s friend’s sister isn’t like YOU and you can do better 💁🏽

Don’t judge a book by its cover. Especially when you don’t even take a moment to try to understand it all. Maybe it’s not for you, but who’s to say it isn’t?🧐