My name is Darian. I want people to hear my story because I almost died. This is a story that goes out over a few weeks. It started when I was on vacation in the Smoky Mountains in Tennessee. I was calmly sitting in the front room at about 7pm. It was dark out as this happened in the fall. My grandparents left to go get some food from the grocery store and I thought I’d be brave and stay alone, playing xbox and talking to my girlfriend on the phone. We were laughing and stuff. After a while we Skyped and some stuff happened that I’m not gonna go into detail about.About 2 hours into the call, I switched to my laptop. It could see right into the kitchen and to the door to the back porch door, which had no curtains of any kind. About 2 hours in, my grandparents still hadn’t got back. I called them and they said they got lost for a while but found their way and they’d be there in abour an hour. The cabin we were staying at was pretty high on the mountain. Anyway, I wasn’t paying attention to my screen while I was skyping her. She called my name and I immediately looked at her and she said never mind. This is a good time to say the porch light was on for the back porch. It got around 12:30 and I was getting a little more worried. I have the best girlfriend ever for her to stay on call with me for that long and I felt safe with her. Another hour passed and she called my name again, saying she can see someone on the back porch. I looked back and saw something dart from the window. I assumed it was my grandparents messing with me as they do. So I walked to the door and opened it, saying “Come inside, stop messing around” I closed the door and sat back down. My grandparents came home and I instantly got a chill running straight up my spine and my heart stopped beating for what seamed like an eternity. I realized, they just got here in the car. That wasn’t either one of them on the back porch. I ran outside as fast as I could, alerting them of what happened. They didn’t believe me. Fast forward a couple weeks, I was at home and all the sudden I heard a loud noise come from outside. I grabbed my airsoft gun that looked real as hell, full metal and everything. I crept around, keeping far from the corner as to get an advantage on whoever might be over there. I saw someone run off and jump the fence, gone in the darkness. I went back inside and noticed something was very wrong. I always have my xbox, tv and computer on. They were on. But what I saw, made me literally throw up. The tv, computer screen and even the xbox power light were all dark red. I out of the room and slept in the living room that night. The next morning I went back to my room and everything was clean. Back to the way it was, like normal. I was so confused, Did I imagine it all? No, it was all too real. I tried to ignore it. But I couldn’t. Fast forward another couple of weeks. I was at work at Burger King. Slow day, not really any customers which was beyond weird. Even the lunch rush only had about 10 customers. One man came in at about 10. And he walked up to me, handed me the key to my house and pointed at me for what seemed like forever. He left and I threw up all over the counter and all over the floor. I went to my car and someone came at me with a pig mask on and was swinging a hammer at me. Just like something straight out of the Saw movies. I ran back inside and locked the front door, screaming at my coworker to lock all the other entrences. The man came to the window and smashed it, chasing after me. Luckily, he left one of the door unlocked and burst through it. I ran straight to my car and got inside. The man broke out the back window. I sped off just as he got to my window. I drove straight to the police department and ran in screaming like crazy. somehow the man got there shortly after I did. He broke through the door, the man screaming ‘THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE!!!” The police shot the man dead. And removed the mask. What I saw was horrifying and scars me to this day. The man was me. Well, he looked exactly like me. I wonder if that’s what he meant by “there can be only one” He was trying to kill me to replace me. This is one reason I don’t trust anyone. Ever.