So Me (32) and my wife (19) were walking with my dog (65 in dog years) when we saw [This stupid ass midget (42)]( and my wife (18) and I (32) were infuriated. I had enough. My wife (17) picked up that stupid bitch and he (42) started shaking. He (42) was shaking and crying so much I think he (42) pis*ed and cu**ed. This was not very epic. My wife (16) was holding him (42) and as I (32) was anticipating the kick, he (42) said his (42) last words, “c*m” I (32) then ran up to him (42) and kicked him like Robert Downey junior (64) kicked Stuart little (5) he (42) then flew into the stratosphere like the stupid as* that he is.

TLDR: midgets deserve to be kicked into hell