I thought it would be fun one time to let my five year old decide what record to put on. I gave him a few options and he chose Kraftwerk, I think mostly because he does “craft work” (ie sticking glitter on things) with his granny so associated it with something fun. Big mistake.

The kid is now literally obsessed with Kraftwerk. When we try to listen to other music he’s like “this isn’t Kraftwerk” and even when I try to lie to him and be like, yeah sure Moana is Kraftwerk he sees through my subterfuge and demands actual 70s German EDM rather than whatever bs I’m trying to pass off on him. He’s 5.

While on the one hand I’m really excited that my kid has better music taste than me at age 5, to paraphrase Jesus: a family cannot live on Kraftwerk alone. My wife occasionally wants to listen to Radio 6 Music or BBC 2 Sunday Morning Love Songs and it’s getting difficult when he just insists “no alexa, play kraftwerk”. Obviously I’m bearing the brunt of the blame for this.

So, r/vinyl what suggestions do you have to gently wean my 5 year old son’s musical taste off a binge diet of all kraftwerk all the time?