what are you laughing at immortal peasant be quiet you have no right whatsoever to laugh at no humor of which i have dispensed, in this case, none. dont laugh at me fool, i dont have any time for people like you who want to push around the higher end people because you have advantages, its not my fault that you were born into poverty and that i was born into rich and royalty. i am the one and greatest hercules i am the long lost son of zeus, god of thunder and have power above you and your ant colony family because thats how small you are to my eyes when i saw you laugh. a simple “bruh” is what took you to respond in a single laughing/crying emoji. your humor is incompetent, discreet, ugly, and quiet sickening. how dare you even try ti talk to me. Oh, so your name is mei, mei i just send u to hades where you belong because you as a lost soul in comedy is as lost as that dog that disappeared near my asian neighbors backyard, and guess what? they ate that puppy right up. you wont believe or keep a straight face when you hear that news because thats how dark and insensitive you are, you numbskulled whore. now leave before we devour you with my own two hands.