I have a burning hatred for Reddit. Reddit to the internet is like that retarded kid everyone avoided and didnt invite to playdates/birthdays. Everyonejust did their own things with their own groups and just wanted to be left alone. However one day the kid cried and either you felt guilty and invited them to your next meetup or were forced to bring them because their parents complaigned to your parent that their kid felt left out and you were forced to bring them. After they arrive the playdate devolved into getting angry at them because theyre literally pissing in the pool, theyre sucking the fun out of everything, and they then yell at you for not acomidating them, when you already were by even bothong with their stupid ass. I fucking hate Reddit users, theyre self centered, greedy and parasitic to internet groups. Theyre like furries. Self centered retards who shoehorn their believes into everything. Reddit users should be laughed at and mocked at every oppertunity. They are lower than furries, bronies, and even tumblr users. At least they know their place and dont bother other people. Reddit is an infectious disease who will corrupt and steal from other internet communities, then when the place they invaded gets so disgusting, they will yell that “normies” did this and move on. Theyre like the chestnut blight to American Chestnut Trees. Fuck reddit and fuck anyone who uses it.