Hey, I saw your birthday thing…. and I got so much gifts that sucked, NO ONE DID A GOOD JOB! Like OH I thought Drgoness was a good artist but NO SHE SUCKS! She did an awful job with her drawing and YOU did even worse! Did you even try or is that just your ugly style! I know this is out of no where but after YOU got sooooo much good stuff and I got trash its unfair so ima just say everything I think about you and then pretend I left discord so you can’t do anything!

1; your channel sucks! You can’t even animate! I don’t understand why you even have 300 subs!? At least I have 500 so much better

Also why are you friends with snakewing? Her art sucks! She can’t even animate or draw! And why the f did Rachel even become your friend!? She’s like so good at animating and you are so trash! That match up doesn’t even make sense!? and, WHY DID SHE MAKE YOU SOMETHING!?! YOU SHOULD GET NOTHING! Rachel is making me a meme so HA