Anyways. Hi, My name is Rick Astley.

I like pasta. Do you prefer nachos

That’s wonderful! Wait a minute… This is out of order!! Good heavens.

No, I generally consume a variety of swiss cheeses

OH no! How could this happen?

I have no clue!

Anyways, I gotta bounce.


Cya there.

You know what i’m bouncing on?


CORRECT! How could you guess that?

I have telephone.

I have a hulk

I have a big Brian.

I have a large cook.

Holy moly! That’s a lot.

Nope, he is not a priest.

What is he then?

A very large cook

Done aple tea.

So, how about that airline food?

So, what about it?

Ya know I dont!

Well, you’re about to

Oo boy! I cannot wait!!

My cook is actually a girl, not a boy

Goodness! What a twist! I could have never seen that coming

Are you saying that rats?

More like mouses!