We were all playing Rocket league in my dorm room when a guy from down the hall accidentally scored one for the other team. My roommate said soothing like “good job Ching Chong. You drive like an asian woman”. The other guy than said, and I shit you not, “Well at least my mom didn’t get raped and end up with a son she didn’t want” (he only knew about my roommate being the result of a rape because my room mate told the story of his unpleasant conception during a group discussion about sexual assault). The room got dead silent, out cars in the game rolled to a stop, and everyone froze. Then a split second later my roommate launched himself from where he was sitting and decked the living shit out of this prick. He didn’t stop. The ass holes room mate jumped up and punched my roommate in an attempt to help his roommate (the asshole). At this point I jumped up and rocked dick heads roommate straight in the eye. Then my boi Pablo (this kid was white as the day is long, but on move in day he had a sombrero on his head because it kept falling off the stack of shit he was carrying. He was then given the title Pablo, and it stuck) decked the dicks roommate too. My roommate is still rolling around on the floor, beating the shit out of the dickhead, while still receiving his fair share of punches also, as Jew-Brian (not actually Jewish, just a big ass dude from Long Island New York with a big nose, and a Jew fro) decided enough is enough and tries to separate the two. Both my roommate and the asshole punch him. He gets pissed as shit. Starts trying to beat the shit out of my room mate and the asshole. Now Pablo and myself, as well as my roommate and the asshole are working together to put this giant ass 6’5”, 350Lb Jewish ass looking mother ducked down. Pablo finally clocks Jew Brian with an empty bottle of Yeager Meister, shattering it over his head and knocking him unconscious. My roommate and the ass hole go back to fighting. Eventually Pablo and I separate the fight once we decided my roommate had thoroughly reprimanded the asshole for what he had said. After pulling them apart Jew Brian began to come too again. At this point my laptop had been stomped on multiple times which resulted in it being pretty much toast, my tv had been knocked LFC the dresser and the screen cracked, there is glass all over the floor, my roommate and the asshole both have quite a few slices from thrashing around on top of broken class, the asshole has one eye completely swollen shut, my roommates nose is broken, my lip is split, Pablo’s eyebrow is bleeding and his phone is fucked, and Jew Brian is coming back to consciousness. As you would expect, the RA was pounding on the door as all of this was coming to an end. The RA than unlocks the door with his key, throws it open, and stares in awe at what he is looking at. We all end up going to the hospital together. My roommate and the asshole both had to get a few stitches, Jew Brian had a concussion, my roommates nose was broken like I had said earlier, and Pablo and I were fine for the most part. Since no charges were pressed by anyone involved, we were only sighted by the university for a violation of the schools no alcohol policy. We are all really good friends now tho, so I guess it kinda all worked out. We always talk about that night. It was pretty fun to be honest, exciting and fucked up, but fun none the less.