Skyrim but wholesome 100

Ralof: Hey you, you’re finally awake. You were trying to post cringe, right? Walked right into that ambush same as us and that thief over there.

Lokir: Damn you PewDiePie fans… Reddit was fine until you came along! Community was nice and lazy. If they hadn’t been looking for you I’d have stolen that meme and been halfway to r/all. *Looks at Dragonborn* you there, you and me, we shouldn’t be here. It’s these PewDiePie fans the admins want.

Ralof: We’re all brothers and sisters in binds now.

Driver: Shut up back there.

Lokir: *looks at Felix* What’s wrong with him, huh?

Ralof: Watch your tongue! You’re speaking to Felix Fitzgerald, the true High King of Reddit!

Lokir: Felix? The most popular YouTuber? You’re the leader of the rebellion… if they’ve captured you… oh mods, where are they taking us?

Ralof: I don’t know where we’re going, but exile awaits.

Lokir: No, This can’t be happening! This isn’t happening!

Ralof: Hey, what subreddit are you from meme-thief?

Lokir: Why do you care?

Ralof: A Normie’s last thoughts should be of kek.

Lokir: r/dogelore… I’m from r/dogelore.

Hadvar: u/GallowBoob sir! The headsman is waiting.

u/GallowBoob: Good, let’s get this over with.

Lokir: SSundee, SkyDoesMinecraft, Morgz , Paul Brothers, Ninja! Divines, please help me!

Ralof: *Sees u/GallowBoob* Look at him! u/GallowBoob, the Admins. And it looks like the media are with him. Damn boomers, I bet they had something to do with this. *notices where they are* This is r/teenagers… I used to be sweet on a girl from here. I wonder if Velod is still making those memes with JoJo references mixed in… Funny, when I was a boy site rules and guidelines used to make me feel so safe.

Child: Who are they, daddy? Where are they going?

Father: You need to go inside, little cub.

Child: Why? I want to watch the admins!

Father: Inside the house, now.

Child: Yes papa… *heads inside*

Driver: Woah… *pulls in reins*

Female Captain: *walks up to cart* Get these normies out of the cart!

Lokir: Why are we stopping?

Ralof: Why do you think? End of the line. *stands up* Let’s go, we shouldn’t keep the mods waiting for us.

Lokir: No! Wait! We’re not rebels!

Ralof: Face your death with some courage, thief.

Lokir: You’ve got to tell them we weren’t with you! This is a mistake!

Female Captain: Step towards the block when we call your name, one at a time!

Ralof: Admins love their damned lists.

Hadvar: Felix Fitzgerald, Jarl of r/PewDiePieSubmissions.

Felix: *moves towards block*

Ralof: it has been an honor, Jarl Felix

Hadvar: Ralof of r/comedyheaven. *Ralof moves forward* Lokir of r/dogelore.

Lokir: No! I’m not a rebel! You can’t do this! *runs*

Female Captain: Halt!

Lokir: you’re not going to kill me!

Female Captain: Archers! *archers shoot*

Lokir: *hit in the knee* Aaa..!

Female Captain: *glares at rest of prisoners* Anyone else feel like running?

Hadvar: Wait… You there. *Looks at Dragonborn* Step forward. *Dragonborn steps forward* Who are you?

Dragonborn: u/anonymous

Hadvar: At least you will die in your home land… Captain, what should we do? They’re not on the list.

Female Captain: Forget the list. They go straight to the block.

Hadvar: By your orders, Captain. I’m sorry. Follow the captain, prisoner.

Dragonborn: *moves to stand next to Ralof*

u/GallowBoob: *steps up to PewDiePie*

Felix Fitzgerald. Some here in r/teenagers call you a hero, but a hero doesn’t use a power like a fanbase to brigade a subreddit and fill it with 9 year olds.

Felix: *growl*

u/GallowBoob: You started this war, flung Reddit into chaos. And now the Admins are going to put you down and restore the peace.

Keanu Reeves: *distant roar*

Hadvar: *looks around* What was that?

u/GallowBoob: It’s nothing. Carry on.

Female Captain: Yes, u/GallowBoob! *turns to priestess*
Give them their last rights.

Priestess: As we commend your souls to exile, blessings of the 8 divines upon you-

PewDiePie fan: For the love of SSundee, shut up and let’s get this over with. *marches forward*

Priestess: *hesitates* … as you wish.

PewDiePie fan: Come on! I haven’t got all morning! *kneels at block, looks up at Captain/Headsman* … My parents are smiling at me, Admins. Can you say the same??

Captain: *steps on his back*

Headsman: *beheads soldier*

PewDiePie fan B: You cringe normie!

Redditor: Justice!

Redditor B: Death to the PewDiePie fans!

Ralof: …As fearless in death as he was in life.

Female Captain: Next, the anon!

Hadvar: There it is again… did you hear that?

Female Captain: I said… Next. Prisoner.

Imperial Soldier: *to Dragonborn* To the block prisoner. Nice and easy.

Dragonborn: *moves to the block, kneels at block*

Headsman: *moves to swing axe*

Keanu Reeves: *lands, roars*

Hadvar: What the fuck is that!?!

Female Captain: Sentries, what do you see?

Imperial Soldier: It’s in the clouds…!

Redditors: It’s him!!

Keanu Reeves: *roar*

u/GallowBoob: Mods! Get the redditors to safety!

Ralof: *Grabs Dragonborn* come on! The guards won’t give us another chance! This way! *Pulls Dragonborn towards a tower finds dagger and unbinds his own hands unbinds Dragonborn’s hands moves to unbind Felix, who followed* PewDiePie, what is that thing? Could the legends be true?

Felix: *spits out gag* Legends don’t brigade subreddits.

Keanu Reeves: *roar*