Are heterosexual relationships making most women miserable?living in a patriarchal society already makes it a man’s world…we all know men make most of the rules..🙄sucks…… So in heterosexual relationships we already know who is the dominant one and who submits..hey hey am not against submission, whatever works for you but you know what bothers me!!?🤔how most women lose their freedom in heterosexual relationships because most men tend to be controlling.,.as the head of the family,..he wants things to go his way coz after all he has the final say and hence a woman has to sacrifice her dreams and fulfill the dreams of the man🤦🏿‍♀️ women have to sacrifice their careers to birth and take care of the kids while at the same time taking care of the home while at the same time taking care of the hubby🙄a grown as man who can take care of himself while at the same time is expected to go work and bring money home just like the hubby🤦🏿‍♀️……the double standards in parenting 🤦🏿‍♀️ it’s like taking care of kids is a woman’s job and men are excused from such roles such that when a father does his duties he is praised …I thought parenting is a two people thing.From my personal observations, most women suffer more in heterosexual r/ships because most men tend to make decisions that favor them and women just have to compromise…..a research also shows that most narcissists are men🫣so we all know who’s suffering