Suck my load means The load dropped from the trailer, the weight in the trailer, and then the truck.

• Yuck the truck means The truck is going down in a pile of mud.

• Dude, don’t touch the bed means You don’t want to mess with the bed.

• Poke is a slang term for a person, referring to their genitals, groin.

• Shame means The feeling of being a coward.

• Shawtac means A driver with only one leg.

• Looty the cow means A farmer who puts manure in his own cows.

• Pootie means A person who’s been in the truck for a while.

• Jazz means Reference to San Francisco, sometimes to Los Angeles.

• Narrow door means Any lane that is full, and requires driver to walk instead of driving through

• Laser Line means Where your tractor goes

• No lane means This is the tractor driving, or is it just the tractor?

• Shuck means You are still sitting there, or standing there, or trying to get your leg under you.

• A-wagon means That is a wagon

• Baggage-eater means A person who doesn’t like to be bothered.

• No more? means Now is not the time.

• Shag is good? means Yes, it is, it’s like it always was.

• Cadbury means Caramel Apple cookies.

• I’ve got my ears on means Don’t be fooled.

• Weezers are similar to Weegers, though not interchangeable.

• Kettle with a big pottymouth means An old-fashioned diesel engine

• I’m not going to get wet means Please get down, the truck has to take you out.

• Kitty can be the name of a local girl.

• Neat means Small.

• Peeves mean Inappropriate behavior.

• Voodoo or Voda (or Voodan) means A person or persons that can speak with their hands.

• I ain’t no dog means I’m not familiar with the rules.

• Kicked out of the field means I’m not willing to give you a ride.

• Yam means A heavy timber.

• Nose-wobble means A sudden change in direction.

• Silly or Spicy? means How much of these?

• Sneeky means A person or persons who are easy to catch or throw.

• Wiggy means A person who looks like a pig.

• Nay-nay means Too slow.

• Cupola means Coffee or tea.

• Sugarplum means A girl who likes honey.

• Soggy means Wet.

• Yellin’ yuck is a term used for poor condition

• Bawblie means Belly wheel

• Friggin’ pumpers! means You have fuel in the tank.

• Rag on the road means The pavement is being worn down by wheels

• Lamb chop means To make a full circle.

• Shoot the dog means To dump out waste gas for cleaning.

• Dunk the tow-truck means The tow is going down in a ditch.

• Wishy diddly means Wish he would do something

• Pumpkin fuel is used for emergency use only, no other application.

• No moose was used before 2001. The term originated in the Northwest as “the moose was nowhere to be found” when the truck was stopped at a traffic light.

• Shove it to the man means Get it all set up for loading.

• Got your eyes on? means Are you watching?

• Wag the dog means Speed brakes are engaged and locking.

• Lung-a-wanker means To have a long conversation about business