What the fuck >w< did you just fucking say about me, *sees buldge* you wittwe owo bitch? I’ww have you knyow I gwaduated *sees buldge* top :3 of my cwass in the Nyavy ;;w;; Seaws, and I’ve been invowved in nyumewous secwet waids on Aw-Quaeda, a-and I-I >w< have uvw 300 confiwmed kiwws. I am twainyed in gowiwwa wawfawe and I’m the top snyipew in the entiwe US awmed fowces. You awe nyothing to me but just (・\`ω´・) anyothew tawget. I wiww wipe you *boops your nose* the fuck out with pwecision the wikes of which h-has nyevew been seen befowe on *blushes* this Eawth, *whispers to self* mawk *sweats* my fucking wowds. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me uvw the Intewnyet? Think a-again, fuckew. As we speak I am \^w\^ contacting my secwet nyetwowk of spies acwoss t-the USA and ;;w;; youw IP is being twaced *starts twerking* wight nyow so you bettew pwepawe fow t-t-the stowm, maggot. The stowm that wipes out the pathetic wittwe thing you caww youw wife. You’we fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhewe, anytime, and I can kiww you i-in uvw seven hundwed ways, and *sees buldge* that’s just with my bawe hands. Nyot onwy *blushes* am I extensivewy *whispers to self* twainyed in unyawmed combat, but I have access to the entiwe awsenyaw of the Unyited States Mawinye Cowps and I wiww use it t-t-to its fuww extent t-to wipe youw misewabwe *boops your nose* ass o-o-off the *sweats* face of the continyent, you wittwe shit. If onwy you couwd have knyown what unhowy wetwibution *starts twerking* youw wittwe “cwevew” c-c-comment was about to \^w\^ bwing down upon :3 you, m-m-maybe you wouwd have hewd youw fucking tongue. But you couwdn’t, you didn’t, and nyow UwU you’we paying the pwice, >w< you goddamn idiot. I wiww shit fuwy aww uvw you and you wiww dwown i-i-in it. >w< You’we fucking dead, k-kiddo.