Yea tbh it’s really over rated don’t get what the hype

is about but the graphics of sex 3 are looking good tho

it did get delayed

But the story for sex 2 was some what alright since I

have only played that one

Dident complet it tho think it’s like a 3.5 mean once they fix the some of the online bugs and hackers they have and mabey a better story with the addition of dic for more story from sex 1 and 2 tho I should play $1 before 53

just hope they don’t do anything like cyberpunk with the glitches while somewhat fun but sex 1.5 worst game in the series

I mean like they only was think of one audience in mind

Just thinking of it gives me chills

Oh and some of the “special” moves in there they weren’t even moves they had the same in s1 where you didenr have TO FUCKING SPEND 1-2 HOURS JUST TOONGET LUCKY AND GET ONE SOMEWHAT GOOD SKILL YOU WOULD NEED TOO CHANGE EVERY 10 MINUTES JUST SO YOU CAN PROGRESS THROUGH IT

I mean they could of add tools but noooo that would be too complicated for the ai and the “story” they had in that one

And I mean at the end there was only a Small teaser for sex 2 and you could NOT AT ANYWAY TOO TELL IT WAS S2 mean the most effort they put into it was making it so you can look around and they called it a game breaking discovery don’t get why every was hyped for it I mean the trailer was good And they UGH ITS SUCH A BAD FUCKING GAME even Moist critkal dident make a video on it. It was that bad

So yea s1.5 the worst game