Hey you fuckin junkies ever heard of this new thing called a PARAGRAPH? Listen up druggies I’ve got something to tell you and you may not want to hear it: Use FUCKING paragraphs in your text posts. Yes, I’m talking to you. You addied up college students whose minds are working too fast to separate thoughts into paragraphs. You stoners who just took the whole brownie that was meant for 4 people and now can’t remember what a paragraph is. You blacked out bartards that won’t remember reading this tomorrow. I don’t care. Use fucking paragraphs. I swear every time I open a text post here it’s just a giant goddamn block of text. It’s practically unreadable sober. Now try reading that on 3 tabs. You degenerate druggies have some of the best stories on the internet, but are squandering them by not taking the time to separate your posts into paragraphs. Seriously, it’s so easy a methhead could do it. Just fucking hit enter twice you high mother fucker. Just do it so I can enjoy the stories about you almost getting arrested LSD or accidentally fucking a dude while barred out or trying to fuck a shadow person on meth. Just do it. TLDR: USE PARAGRAPHS