So before you say that i am the asshole i want you to read this fully.

So i (29M) today kicked my parents out of their own house because they wanted to take my marijuana away because i was too “addicted” to it. (In the country i live marijuana is totally legal by the way.) They also wanted me to see a therapist and talk to them about my “addiction” and they wanted me to find a job and get my own place to live.

I became really angry at them after they attempted to take my marijuana away. So i forced them to get out of their own house. They started packing their stuff and went to a hotel nearby.

I’m not sure if the thing i did was good. And i’m considering calling them back so that they can come back home.

Reddit, should i call them back or do they deserve to be kicked out?

AITA for kicking my parents out of their own house?