I sexually identify as an @.everyone ping. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of making multiple inactive gremlin mf say “who pinged”, “someone pinged” or say mentally deranged things. People say to me being an @.everyone ping is impossible and I’m fucking retarded, but I don’t care, I make dead servers active (for 10 seconds). I’m having Discord users change my username to ‘Notify everyone has permission to view this channel’ and my nickname on their server to ‘everyone’; also from now on, my pfp is going to be transparent. From now on, I want you to call me ‘Notify everyone has permission to view this channel’ and respect my rights to annoy the shit out of people by existing. If you can’t accept me you’re an @.everyone-phobe and need to check your ‘Mention @.everyone, @.here, and All Roles’ permissions